1) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Some examples of Tychonoff groups, J.Math. Sci. (N.Y.), Vol. 156, no.1, 156–172.


1) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Some examples of Tychonoff groups, J.Math. Sci. (N.Y.), Vol. 156, no.1, 156–172.

2) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Weights, Growth and Amenability,J.
Math. Sci. (N.Y.), Vol. 156, no.1, 123–155.

3) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Self-similar Groups and finite Gelfand
pairs, Algebra and Discrete Math, No.2 (2007) 43–53.

4) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, A group of the automorphisms of
the rooted dyadic tree and associated Gelfand pairs, Rendiconti del
Seminario Matematico dell’Univ. di Padova, Vol. 121 (2009), 73–92.

5) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Crested products of Markov chains,
Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 19, no. 1, (2009), 414–453.

6) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, No cut-off phenomenon for the Insect Markov chain, Monatshefte f¨ur Mathematik, Vol. 156, Issue 3,
(2009), 201–210.

7) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Markov Chains in orthogonal block
structures, European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 31 (2010), 34–

8) D. D’Angeli, A. Donno and T. Smirnova-Nagnibeda, Counting
dimer coverings on self-similar Schreier graphs, European Journal of
Combinatorics, Vol. 33, no. 7, 1484–1513. (2012)

9) D. D’Angeli, A. Donno and T. Smirnova-Nagnibeda, Partition
functions of the Ising model on some self-seminar Schreier graphs,
Progress in Probability: Random Walks, Boundaries and Spectra,
(D. Lenz, F. Sobieczky and W. Woess editors), 64, (2011), 277–304,
Springer Basel.

10) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Weighted spanning trees on some
self-similar graphs, Electronic J. Comb. Vol. 34, (2010), 139–156.

11) D. D’Angeli, A. Donno, M. Matter, T. Nagnibeda, Schreier
graphs of the Basilica group, Journal of Modern Dynamics, Vol.
4, no. 1, 167–205, (2010).

12) D. D’Angeli, A. Donno, The lumpability property for a family of Markov chains on poset block structures, Adv. in Appl. Math.
Vol. 51 (2013), no. 3, 367–391.

13) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Generalized crested product of Markov
Chain, European Journal of Combinatorics, 32, Issue 2, (2011), 23–

14) G. Chacon, R. Colucci and D. D’Angeli, Recurrence analysis
on Julia sets of semigroups of complex polynomials, J. Appl. Math.
Comput. Vol. 46 (2014), no. 1-2, 201–214.

16) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Gelfand pairs associated with the
action of G, appendix to the paper “On a family of Schreier graphs
of intermediate growth associated with a selfsimilar group”, European Journal of Combinatorics, 33, Issue 7, (2012), 1408–1421.

17) G. Chacon, R. Colucci and D. D’Angeli, Density of backward
paths on the Julia set of a semigroup, Sarajevo J. Math., 10 (22)
(2014), no. 1, 77–85.

18) D. D’Angeli and E. Rodaro, Groups and semigroups defined by
colorings of synchronizing automata, Internat. J. Algebra Comput.
Vol. 24 (2014), no. 6, 773–793.

19) D. D’Angeli, Schreier graphs of an extended version of the binary
adding machine, Electron. J. Combin. Vol. 21 (2014), no. 4, Paper

20) D. D’Angeli and E. Rodaro, A geometric approach to (semi)-
groups defined by automata via dual transducers, Geom. Dedicata
Vol. 174 (2015), 375–400.

21) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Isomorphism classification of infinite
Sierpinski carpet graph, in Proceedings of the First Minisymposium
on Mathematics in Engineering and Technology, ICNAAM 2014.

22) D. D’Angeli, A. Donno and E. Sava-Huss, Connectedness and
isomorphism problems of the zig-zag product of graphs, J. Graph
Theory, 83 (2016), no. 2, 120–151.

23) D. D’Angeli, Horofunctions in Sierpinski type graphs, Utilitas
Mathematica, 105 (2017), 267–277.

24) D. D’Angeli and E. Rodaro, Freeness of automata groups vs
boundary dynamics, Journal of Algebra, 462 (2016), 115–136.

25) I. Bondarenko, D. D’Angeli and E. Rodaro, The lamplighter
group Z3 o Z generated by a bireversible automaton, Communications in Algebra, 44 (2016), no. 12, 5257–5268.

26) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Metric compactification of infinite
Sierpinski carpet graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 339, (2016), 2693–

27) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Wreath product of matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 513 (2017), 276–303.

28) I. Bondarenko, D. D’Angeli and T. Nagnibeda, Ends of Schreier
graphs and cut-points of limit spaces of self-similar groups, J. Fractal Geom. 4 (2017), no. 4, 369–424.

29) D. D’Angeli, E. Rodaro and J.P. Waechter, On the Complexity of the Word Problem of Automaton Semigroups and Automaton
Groups, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 90 (2017), 160–187.

30) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Shuffling matrices, Kronecker product and Discrete Fourier Transform, Discrete Applied Mathematics,
233 (2017), 1–18.

31) D. D’Angeli and E. Rodaro, Fragile words and Cayley machines,
Int. J. Group Theory, Volume 7, Issue 3 (Proceedings of the Ischia
Group Theory 2016-Part III), 95–109.

32) D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Structure polynomials and subgraphs
of rooted regular trees, Algebra Colloq. 25 (2018), no. 1, 45–70.

33) D. D’Angeli, A. Donno and E. Rodaro, Catalan fragile words, to
appear in Int. J. Group Theory.

34) M. Cavaleri, D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Permutational powers
of a graph, Electronic J. of Combinatorics, Vol. 26 (4) 2019,
P4.22 .

35) D. D’Angeli, D. Francoeur, E. Rodaro and J.P. Waechter, Infinite automaton semigroups and groups have infinite orbits,
Journal of Algebra, Volume 553, 1 July 2020, Pages 119-137

36) D. D’Angeli, E. Rodaro and J.P. W¨achter, Automaton semigroups and groups: On the undecidability of problems related to freeness and finiteness, to appear in Israel J. of Mathematics.

37) D’Angeli, Daniele , Rodaro, Emanuele, Silva, Pedro and Zakharov, Alexander. (2020). Eraser morphisms and membership problem in groups and monoids. Communications in Algebra. 1-23. 10.1080/00927872.2020.1740243

38) D’Angeli, Daniele, Rodaro, Emanuele and Wächter, Jan. (2020). Orbit Expandability of Automaton Semigroups and Groups. Theoretical Computer Science. 809. 10.1016/j.tcs.2019.12.037.

39) Cavaleri, D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Permutational powers of a graph, Electronic J. of Combinatorics, Vol. 26 (4) 2019, P4.22 .

40) D’Angeli, E. Rodaro, P. Silva and A. Zakharov (2020). Eraser morphisms and membership problem in groups and monoids. Communications in Algebra. 1–23. 10.1080/00927872.2020.1740243

41) D’Angeli,  E.  Rodaro  and  J.P.  W¨achter,  (2020).   Orbit  Ex- pandability of Automaton Semigroups and Groups. Theoretical Computer Science. 809. 10.1016/j.tcs.2019.12.037.

42) D’Angeli, T. Godin, I. Klimann, M. Picantin and  E.  Ro- daro, Boundary dynamics for bireversible and for contracting automaton groups, Int. J. Algebra and Computation, Vol. 30, No. 02, pp. 431-449 (2020) .

43) D’Angeli,  D.  Francoeur,  E.  Rodaro  and  J.P.  W¨achter,  In- finite automaton semigroups and groups have infinite orbits,Journal of Algebra,Volume 553, 1 July 2020, Pages 119–137

44) D.  D’Angeli,  E.  Rodaro  and  J.P.  W¨achter,  Automaton  semi- groups and groups:  On the undecidability of problems related to freeness and finiteness, Israel Journal of Mathematics volume 237, pages15–52(2020)

45) M. Cavaleri, D. D’Angeli, A. Donno and E. Rodaro, Graph automaton groups,  Adv. Group Theory Appl., Vol. 11, 75-112, (2021).

46) M. Cavaleri, D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, A group representation approach to   balance of gain graphs, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 1-29, (2020)

47) M. Cavaleri, D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, Gain-line graphs via G-phases and group  representations, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 613, 241-270 (2021)

48)Cavaleri, D. D’Angeli and A. Donno, On the characteristic polynomial and spectrum of Basilica Schreier graphs, Trans. Comb. 11 no. 3, 153-179 (2022)

49) Cavaleri, D. D’Angeli, A. Donno, Characterizations of line graphs in signed and gain graphs, European J. Combin. 102 (2022) .

50) Cavaleri, D. D’Angeli, A. Donno,, Gelfand pairs associated with the action of graph automaton groups, Int. J. Group Theory, Volume 12, Issue 2 – Serial Number 2 Proceedings of the Ischia Group Theory (2020/2021) – Part 2 June 2023 Pages 55-66.

51) Cavaleri, D. D’Angeli, A. Donno and E. Rodaro, On a class of poly-context free groups generated by automata, J. Algebra, 626, 15 July 2023, Pages 135-162.

52)D’Angeli, E.  Rodaro  and  J.P.  W¨achter, The Freeness Problem for Automaton Semigroups, in  LIPIcs, Volume 306, MFCS 2024 (2024).

53) Bavuma, D. D’Angeli, A. Donno and F. Russo, On an infinite family of integral Cayley graphs of Pauli groups, Volume 659 , 1 December 2024, Pages 148-182

54) M. Cavaleri, D. D’Angeli, A. Donno and E. Rodaro, On an uncountable family  of graphs whose spectrum is a Cantor set, to appear in Groups, Geometry and Dynamics (2024)