Elenco pubblicazioni
“The Development of Intercultural Competences in Post-Bureaucratic Organizations” in The evolution of post-bureaucratic organizations, IGI Global, 2017, ISBN: 978-1-5225-1983-6
“La formazione multiculturale: il caso Bulgari”, in Il magico mosaico dell’Intercultura. Teorie, mondi ed esperienze, Franco Angeli, 2010, ISBN: 978-88-464-8602-8
The Cous-Cous Culture. Hybridization, Intercultural Competences and Trans-Cultural Practices in Glocal Organization. Book of proceedings. ISBN: 978-88-89677-86-5
Language as roadmap of culture. About the concept of intercultural communicative competence. ISSN: 1943-6114
Language and communication: a matter of intercultural competence?. ISBN: 978-88-909163-28
Psychological factors affecting L2 learning. ISBN: 978-80-554-1126-2
Competenze interculturali e formazione, in Comunicazione, Intercultura, Organizzazioni complesse, Studium Edizioni, Roma, 2018
Au-delà de la troisième culture. L’émergence d’une culture inclusive dans lieux de travail multiculturels, la gestion et développement des managers expatriés, in Management interculturel. Perspectives théoriques et enjeux pratiques, chez l’Harmattan, Paris, 2017
Intercultural ability. Competenze interculturali e formazione: modelli, prassi e prospettive future (E-book), Edizioni Polimata, 2017.
Competenze interculturali e formazione, in Comunicazione, Intercultura, Organizzazioni complesse, Studium Edizioni, Roma, 2018
Au-delà de la troisième culture. L’émergence d’une culture inclusive dans lieux de travail multiculturels, la gestion et développement des managers expatriés, in Management interculturel. Perspectives théoriques et enjeux pratiques, chez l’Harmattan, Paris, 2017
Intercultural ability. Competenze interculturali e formazione: modelli, prassi e prospettive future (E-book), Edizioni Polimata, 2017.

Pubblicazioni in corso
Le manager comme Don Chichotte : stratégies et réflexions qui se cachent derrière l’humour, in LITTÉRATURE ET MANAGEMENT, TOME 2 (pubblicazione prevista per Gennaio 2021)

Partecipazione a corsi e webinar
TEFL Course (in corso), Janets Quality Education for all, accredited by CPD Accreditation Group
TESOL Strategies. 20 Dicembre 2020, Glasgow University Free Learning.
Leading culturally diverse teams in the workplace. 12 Ottobre 2020. Deakin University. Corso su Soft Skills
Seminario online: Come lavorare nei D.S.A. – disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento, 11 ottobre 2020, IGEACPS Srl
Seminario online: Cosa sono i B.E.S. – Bisogni Educativi Speciali, 8 ottobre 2020, IGEACPS Srl
Facilitating group Discussion, 12 Settembre 2020, The Open University Free Learning. Corso su Soft Skills
How the brain likes to learn Webinar, 28 Agosto, Efficient Language Coaching Global, SLU
Implicit + Explicit Learning -> Neurolanguage Coaching Webinar, 13 Agosto 2020, Efficient Language Coaching Global, SLU
Coaching in Education: Addressing the Need for Deep Communication, 10 Agosto 2020, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Corso su Soft Skills
Integrating Coaching Into Learning Webinar, 6 Agosto 2020, Efficient Language Coaching Global, SLU

Partecipazione a conferenze
SIETAR Europa Congress 2017, 25-27 Maggio, Warwick, UK. Presentazione del paper ” The cyber village. The development of intercultural competences in the age of social media”. The 4th year of International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas, 9-13
Novembre, 2015, Slovakia. Presentazione del paper “Psychological factors affecting L2 learning” (pubblicazione nei proceedings).
5th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, 25-26 September, 2015, Rome, Italy. Presentazione del paper “Language and communication: a matter of intercultural competence?” (pubblicazione nei proceedings e Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies).
Management Interculturel, gestion de la diversité et formes émergentes de coopération, 4-5 Settembre, Neuchâtel. Presentazione del paper “Au-delà de la troisième culture. L’émergence d’une culture inclusive dans lieux de travail multiculturels, la gestion et développement des managers expatriés”.
15th European Academy of Management Annual Conference 17 – 20 June, 2015, Warsaw, Poland, Kozminski University. Presentazione del paper “Glocal Networks. The role of corporate social media in facilitating the development of intercultural knowledge sharing in MNCs”.
International Conference for academic disciplines, American University of Rome (22-25 Ottobre 2013). Presentazione del paper “Language as roadmap of culture. About the concept of intercultural communicative competence” (pubblicazione nei proceedings).
IACCM Conference (International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management), Rotterdam, the Netherlands. (June, 2013). Presentazione del paper ” The millennial organization. Social media, intercultural communication and value change (not only) in the business context.”
Seminario internazionale: Early Childhood and Society in Rome and Hong Kong. Il seminario in lingua Inglese é stato realizzato dalla LUMSA in collaborazione con Hong Kong Institute of Education, Department of Early Childhood Education. (Aprile 2013).
Matej Bel University, Department of Language communication in business, Banskà Bystrica, Slovakia. (October 2012). Presentazione del paper “Language as roadmap of culture. About the concept of Intercultural communicative competence.”
IACCM Conference (International Association of cross-cultural competence and management), Naples, Italy. (June 2012). Presentazione del paper “The cous-cous culture. Hybridization, intercultural competences and trans-cultural practices in glocal organizations” (pubblicazione nei proceedings).
Traduttrice Ufficiale (Inglese-Italiano) del Congresso AIDP (Associazione Italiana per la Direzione del Personale), tenutosi a Roma 4-5 Giugno 2010.
Associazione Italiana Formatori Lazio (Giugno 2006/ Ottobre 2008). Collaborazione per il progetto “Internazionalità e multiculturalità in Aziende e Organizzazioni Internazionali”. Coordinatrice organizzativa del convegno nazionale “2008 Anno europeo del dialogo interculturale: una sfida per la formazione”.