Silvestri C., Silvestri L., Forcina A., Di Bona G., Falcone D.; Green chemistry contribution towards more equitable global sustainability and greater circular economy: A systematic literature review; 2021; Journal of Cleaner Production; 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126137


Silvestri L., Forcina A., Silvestri C., Traverso M.; Circularity potential of rare earths for sustainable mobility: Recent developments, challenges and future prospects; 2021; Journal of Cleaner Production; 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126089


Silvestri L., Palumbo E., Traverso M., Forcina A.; A comparative LCA as a tool for evaluating existing best available techniques (BATs) in facing brick manufacturing and more eco-sustainable coating solutions; 2021; International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment; 10.1007/s11367-021-01877-2


De Santis M., Silvestri L., Forcina A., Di Bona G., Di Fazio A.R.; Preliminary realization of an electric-powered hydraulic pump system for a waste compactor truck and a techno-economic analysis; 2021; Applied Sciences (Switzerland); 10.3390/app11073033


Silvestri L.; CFD modeling in Industry 4.0: New perspectives for smart factories; 2021; Procedia Computer Science; 10.1016/j.procs.2021.01.359


Bona G.D., Falcone D., Forcina A., Silvestri L.; Systematic Human Reliability Analysis (SHRA): A New Approach to Evaluate Human Error Probability (HEP) in a Nuclear Plant; 2021; International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences; 10.33889/IJMEMS.2021.6.1.022


Di Bona G., Falcone D., Forcina A., De Carlo F., Silvestri L.; Quality Checks Logit Human Reliability (LHR): A New Model to Evaluate Human Error Probability (HEP); 2021; Mathematical Problems in Engineering; 10.1155/2021/6653811


Silvestri L., Forcina A., Introna V., Santolamazza A., Cesarotti V.; Maintenance transformation through Industry 4.0 technologies: A systematic literature review; 2020; Computers in Industry; 10.1016/j.compind.2020.103335


Silvestri L., Forcina A., Arcese G., Bella G.; Recycling technologies of nickel–metal hydride batteries: An LCA based analysis; 2020; Journal of Cleaner Production; 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123083


Forcina A., Silvestri L., Di Bona G., Silvestri A.; Reliability allocation methods: A systematic literature review; 2020; Quality and Reliability Engineering International; 10.1002/qre.2675


Bona G.D., Falcone D., Forcina A., Silvestri A., Silvestri L.; A new model for maintenance strategy based on failure analysis and multicriteria approach; 2020; International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector; 10.4018/IJISSS.2020100104


Di Bona G., Forcina A., Falcone D., Silvestri L.; Critical risks method (CRM): A new safety allocation approach for a critical infrastructure; 2020; Sustainability (Switzerland); 10.3390/SU12124949


Silvestri L., Forcina A., Silvestri C., Ioppolo G.; Life cycle assessment of sanitaryware production: A case study in Italy; 2020; Journal of Cleaner Production; 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119708


Silvestri L., Forcina A., Arcese G., Bella G.; Environmental Analysis Based on Life Cycle Assessment: An Empirical Investigation on the Conventional and Hybrid Powertrain; 2019; SAE Technical Papers; 10.4271/2019-24-0245


Silvestri L., Falcone D., Belfiore G.; Guidelines for reliability allocation methods; 2018; 17th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2018


Belfiore G., Falcone D., Silvestri L.; Assembly line balancing techniques: Literature review of deterministic and stochastic methodologies; 2018; 17th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, MAS 2018


Krastev V.K., Silvestri L., Bella G.; Effects of Turbulence Modeling and Grid Quality on the Zonal URANS/LES Simulation of Static and Reciprocating Engine-Like Geometries; 2018; SAE International Journal of Engines; 10.4271/2018-01-0173


Krastev V.K., Silvestri L., Falcucci G.; A modified version of the RNG k-ε turbulence model for the scale-resolving simulation of internal combustion engines; 2017; Energies; 10.3390/en10122116


Krastev V.K., Silvestri L., Falcucci G., Bella G.; A Zonal-LES Study of Steady and Reciprocating Engine-Like Flows Using a Modified Two-Equation des Turbulence Model; 2017; SAE Technical Papers; 10.4271/2017-24-0030


De Santis M., Agnelli S., Silvestri L., Di Ilio G., Giannini O.; Characterization of the powertrain components for a hybrid quadricycle; 2016; AIP Conference Proceedings; 10.1063/1.4952046