Di Domenico Lorenzo, GAHN S, Romaniello Davide (2024). Testing the Waters of Positive Hysteresis: The Effects of Autonomous Demand Shocks on Inflation, Accumulation, and Labor in the US Economy. In: Centro Sraffa Working Papers. p. 1-28
Barbieri Goes Maria Cristina, Ciaffi Giovanna, GAHN S (2023). Le Grandi Opere Pubbliche: Fiscal Multipliers of Public Infrastructure in Italy (1870-1970). p. 1-26, doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4419141
BARBIERI Giovanni, GAHN S (2023). Piattaforme tecno-scientifiche e linee di intervento in Italia tra PNRR e Mind-HT. Prospettive, criticità e possibili evoluzioni di un modello. p. 8-79, ISBN: 978-88-343-5526-8
Deleidi Matteo, GAHN S, Fontanari Claudia (2022). Autonomous Demand and Technical Change: Exploring the Kaldor-Verdoorn Law on a Global Level. In: Post Keynesian Economic Society (PKES) Working Papers. p. 1-34
GAHN S (2022). On the long-run relationship between R&D expenditures and GDP: some considerations for the case of Italy (1963-2013). p. 5-17, ISBN: 978-88-343-5195-6
GAHN S (2022). Towards an explanation of a declining trend in capacity utilisation in the US economy. In: Post Keynesian Economic Society (PKES) Working Papers.
GAHN S (2021). Acumulación de capital y tendencia al uso normal de la capacidad instalada en Estados Unidos. In: Central de Ideas: Blog Banco Central de la República Argentina.
GAHN S (2021). Capital accumulation and the trend towards normal capacity utilisation in the United States. In: Developing Economics.
GAHN S, BARBIERI Giovanni (2021). European Institute of Innovation and Technology grants as a ‘mission-oriented’ policy: a preliminary quantitative analysis for the euro area and Italy. p. 5-31, ISBN: 978-88-343-5180-2
CRUZ Manuel, GAHN S (2021). “Oil nationalism” as a deterrent to structural change? The case of oil contracts in Argentina (1958-1962). p. 3-52, ISBN: 978-88-343-5134-5
GAHN S (2020). Autonomous components of aggregate demand and capital accumulation in Richard Cantillon’s Essai? An inquiry through the lens of modern demand-led growth theory. p. 1-32
GAHN S (2020). Is there a decreasing trend in capacity utilisation in the US economy? Some new evidence. In: Post Keynesian Economic Society (PKES) Working Papers. p. 1-17
GAHN S, Gonzalez Alejandro (2019). On the empirical content of the convergence debate: Cross country evidence on growth and capacity utilisation. In: Post Keynesian Economic Society (PKES) Working Papers. p. 1-37
Álvarez Ramiro, GAHN S (2018). Economic Development in the 21st Century: A Review. In: Developing Economics.
GAHN S, GONZALEZ A (2018). On the “utilisation controversy”: a comment. In: Post Keynesian Economic Society (PKES) Working Papers. p. 1-6
GAHN S (2017). Control de cambios y brecha cambiaria en Argentina (1946-2016). In: Propuestas para el Desarrollo. p. 15-34
Gardiner Mauro, GAHN S (2017). Política Industrial intensiva en Conocimiento. In: Diagonal al Este. p. 20-29