Abstract in Atti di convegno
- S Di Francesco, S Venturi, P Manciola (2016) Hydraulic modelling for flood mapping and prevention: the case study of Cerfone River – EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2016
- Venturi S, Di Francesco,S and Manciola, P (2016), A comparison of different hydrologic modeling approaches: the case study of Cerfone river, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.18, EGU2016
- Di Francesco S, Venturi S, Biscarini C, Manciola P (2015). Lattice Boltzmann pollution dispersion in a shallow water body: the case of Trasimeno Lake. In: (a cura di): Royal Society of Edinburgh , Book of Abstracts 24th International Conference on discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics . Edinburgh, 13th–17th July 2015
- Di Francesco S, Petrozzi A, Montesarchio V, An integrated system for the energy production and accumulation from renewable sources: a rural tower prototype, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2014
- Di Francesco S, Biscarini C, Montesarchio V, An evaluation of Computational Fluid dynamics model for flood risk analysis, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2014
- Nardi F, Biscarini C., Di Francesco S. & P. Manciola (2013) “On the investigation of the performances of a DEM-based hydrogeomorphic floodplain identification method in a large urbanized river basin: the Tiber river case study in Italy”, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-12931, 2013 EGU General Assembly 2013
- Biscarini, S. Di Francesco, P. Manciola ”A Methodology to Support Decision Making in Flood Plan Mitigation” Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-13193, 2009
- Biscarini C., Di Francesco S., Violante C. ,”Potential Landslide tsunami waves offshore Ischia Island (Italy)”, “Earth: Our Changing Planet. Proceedings of IUGG XXIV General Assembly Perugia, Italy 2007”Compiled by Lucio Ubertini, Piergiorgio Manciola, Stefano Casadei, Salvatore, page 1775, ISBN : 978-88-95852-25