- S. Pettianto, A. Orsini, M.C. Rossi, D. Tagnani, M. Girolami, S. Salvatori, “A Compact Gated Integrator for Conditioning Pulsed Analog Signals”, International Conference on Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society (ApplePies 2019), proc. Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, (2019) in press;
- E. D’Antonio, S. Salvatori, P. Oliva, F. Patanè, M. Girolami, D. M. Trucchi, “High Precision Integrator for CVD-Diamond Detectors for Dosimetric Applications”, 13th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements & Applications, june 11-13 208, Rome, Italy;
- E. D’Antonio, S. Salvatori, P. Oliva, F. Patanè, A. Marzegan, G. Bonora, I. Carpinella, M. Ferrarin, S. Rossi, “Optoelectronic-system based characterization of a robotic device for evaluation and rehabilitation of balance disorders”, 13th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements & Applications, june 11-13 208, Rome, Italy;
- S. Salvatori, G. Conte, M. Pacilli, P. Allegrini, V. Ralchenko, “Pixel Array Detectors Based on CVD-Diamond for UV and X-Ray Detection “, Third International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research, RAD 2015; 06/2015;
- S. Salvatori, G. Conte, M. Pacilli, P. Allegrini, V. Ralchenko, “Pixel Array Detectors Based on CVD-Diamond for UV and X-Ray Detection “, Third International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research, RAD 2015; 06/2015;
- G. Conte, P. Allegrini, M. Pacilli, S. Salvatori, D.M. Trucchi, T. Kononenko, A. Bolshakov, V. Ralchenko, V. Konov, “Buried Graphite Pillars in Single Crystal CVD Diamond: Sensistivity to Electrons”, Third International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2015), Budva, Montenegro, 2015;
- S. Salvatori, G. Conte, M. Pacilli, P. Allegrini, V. Ralchenko, “Pixel Array Detectors Based on CVD-Diamond for UV and X-Ray Detection “, Third International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research, RAD 2015; 06/2015;
- M. Girolami, P. Allegrini, G. Conte, S. Salvatori – “Pixel diamond detectors for excimer laser beam diagnostics” – Proceedings of SPIE, 05/2011, 8073:807324-807324-8. DOI: 10.1117/12.887387 (2011).
- M. Girolami, P. Allegrini, S. Salvatori, G. Conte – “UV laser beam profilers based on CVD diamond” – Sensors and Microsystems, AISEM 2009 Proceedings, Series: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Vol.54, Springer, pp. 101-104, ISBN 978-90-481-3605-6 (2010).
- M. Girolami, P. Allegrini, S. Salvatori, G. Conte – “Photoconductive position sensitive CVD diamond detectors” – Sensors and Microsystems, AISEM 2009 Proceedings, Series: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering vol.54, Springer, pp. 105-108, ISBN 978-90-481-3605-6 (2010).
- M.Girolami, P.Allegrini, S. Salvatori, G.Conte, E.Spiriti, V.Ralchenko – “X-Ray Spectroscopy Based on Polycrystalline Diamond” – IEEE Dresden 2008 Conference Record (Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Image Conference and 16th Room Temperature Semiconductor Workshop), pp. 227-234 (2008).
- M. Girolami, P. Allegrini, G. Conte, S. Salvatori, “CVD Diamond detectors for real-time beam profile measurements”, in Proc. of the 7th IEEE Conference on Sensors, pp.270-273, 2008.
- M.Girolami, P.Allegrini, A.Fabbri, S. Salvatori, G.Conte, “Energy-resolving diamond detectors for X-ray spectroscopy” in Sensors and Microsystems, Proc. of the 13th Italian Conference, World Scientific Publishing, pp.307-312, ISBN 978-981-283-597-0 (2008).
- P.Allegrini, M.Girolami, P.Calvani, G.Conte, S. Salvatori, E.Spiriti, V.Ralchenko “Diamond detectors for X-ray spectroscopy” – Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 7077, 70771P (2008).
- G.Conte, M.Girolami, S. Salvatori, R.Scafè, F.Pisacane, D.Della Sala, “Diamond detectors for X-ray sources monitoring” – Sensors and Microsystems, Proc. of the 12th Italian Conference, World Scientific Publishing, pp. 515-519, ISBN 978-981-283-358-7 (2008).
- M. C. Rossi, S. Salvatori, A. Minutello, G. Conte, V. Ralchenko, “Defects density and carrier lifetime in nitrogen-doped ultrananocrystalline and polycrystalline diamond films”, Proc. SPIE 6591, Nanotechnology III, 65910B (22 May 2007); doi: 10.1117/12.722083 (2007).
- M.Girolami, G.Conte, M.C.Rossi, S.Salvatori, V.Ralchenko, “Energy-resolved X-ray diamond detectors” – Diamond 2007 Conference, Elsevier (2007).
- G. Conte, G. Mazzeo, S. Salvatori, “Diamond deep-UV position sensitive detectors”, Proc. SPIE 6189, Optical Sensing II, 618910 (April 22, 2006);
- G. Mazzeo, S. Salvatori, V. Ralchenko, G. Conte, “Design and test of deep-UV position sensitive detectors”, Sensors, 2004. Proceedings of IEEE, vol. 3, pp. 1554-1557, DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2004.1426486 (2004).
- G. Mazzeo, S. Salvatori, M. C. Rossi, A. Della Scala, G. Conte, “Optical position sensitive detectors based on CVD-diamond samples”, in “Sensors and Microsystems”, C. Di Natale, A. D’Amico, P. Siciliano Eds, World Scientific Press 2003
- M.C. Rossi, S. Salvatori, G. Conte, “UV sensors based on polycrystalline diamond”, in “Sensors and Microsystems”, C. Di Natale, A. D’Amico, P. Siciliano Eds, World Scientific 2000, Lecce, Italy, p. 442.
- L. Schirone, S. Salvatori, “AC module based on stacked a-Si-alloy and c-Si solar cells: design, Technology and performance evaluation”, Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2000, Conference Record of the Twenty-Eighth IEEE, 2000, pp.1509-1512.
- I. Cincaglioni, L. Colace, G. Masini, M. C. Rossi, S. Salvatori, L. Schirone, F. Galluzzi, “Differential Image Sensor”, in “Sensors and Microsystems III”,
- C. Di Natale, A. D’Amico and G. Sberveglieri eds., World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 293-297 (1999).
- L. Colace, G. Masini, M. C. Rossi, S. Salvatori, L. Schirone, F. Galluzzi, “Semitrasparent 4-terminal tandem cells based on a-SiC:H and a-SiGe:H alloys: design, technology and performance evaluation”, Proc. 2nd World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, Vol. 1 (1998) 762.
- M. C. Rossi, S. Salvatori, F. Galluzzi, R. Janssen, M. Stutzmann, “Amorphous-silicon oxygen alloys for optoelectronic integrated circuits”, Proc. 9th Cimtec-World Ceramics: Getting into the 2000’s – Part E, P. Vincenzini Editor, 1999 p. 665.
- M. C. Rossi, S. Salvatori, F. Galluzzi, R. Janssen and M. Stutzmann, “Amorphous Silicon Oxide Based Light Emitting Diode: Luminescence Properties and Stability”, Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Luminescent Materials, The Electrochem. Soc., C.R. Ronda and T. Welker eds., vol. 97-29, p. 271 (1998).
- M. C. Rossi, S. Salvatori and F. Galluzzi, “Localized Defect Centers and Continuous Distribution of Gap States in Polycrystalline Diamond”, Proc. Fifth International Symposium on Diamond Materials, J. L. Davidson, W. D. Brown, A. Giaquel, B.V. Spitsyn, J. C. Angus eds., Electrochemical Soc., NJ, 97-32 (1998) 255.
- I. Dafinei, S. Baccaro, B. Borgia, F. Cavallari, A. Cecilia, M. Diemoz, E. Longo, M. Montecchi, G. Organtini and S. Salvatori, “Colour centres production in PbWO4 crystals by Uv light exposure”, Proc. Int. Conf. on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications, September 22 – 25, 1997, Shanghai (Cina), Y. Zhiwen, F. Xiqi, L. Peijun, X. Zhilin eds., p. 219 (1997).
- S. Salvatori, M. C. Rossi, F. Galluzzi, F. Somma and R. M. Montereali, “Impurity and Stress Distribution in Diamond Films Investigated by Laser Excited Raman and Luminescence Spectroscopy”, in “Lasers in Synthesis, Characterization, and Processing of Diamond”, I. Konov and V. G. Ralchenko eds., Proc. of SPIE Vol. 3484, pp. 93-102 (1997).
- F. Galluzzi, M. C. Rossi, S. Salvatori and R. Vincenzoni, “Photoelectronic Properties and Application of Polycrystalline Diamonds Films”, Proc. Eurodiamond ’96, Italian Physical society, C. Manfredotti and E. Vittone Ed., 52 (1996) 89.
- D. Caputo, G. De Cesare, F. Irrera, F. Palma, S. Salvatori and R. Vincenzoni, “Characterization of the SnO2/a-SiC:H interface in amorphous silicon solar cell by C-f-T measurements”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 258 (1992) 911;
- D. Caputo, G. De Cesare, F. Irrera, G. Masini, F. Palma, S. Salvatori and M. Tucci, “Characterization of amorphous silicon solar cells by capacitance measurements”, Proc. 11th E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, (1992) 734.
- S. Salvatori, R. Vincenzoni, M. C. Rossi and F. Galluzzi, “Diamond Film on Silicon: Electrical and Photoelectrical properties”, Congresso Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, 29 maggio-01 giugno 1995, Napoli (Italia);
- F. Galluzzi, S. Salvatori, M. C. Rossi, F. Somma and R. M. Montereali, “Proprietà Fotoemissive di Complessi Silicio-Vacanza in Film di Diamante-CVD”, Semiconduttori-Isolanti-SEIS 97, Convegno Annuale INFM-GNFM, 27-30 gennaio 1997, Trento (Italia);
- M. C. Rossi, S. Salvatori and F. Galluzzi, “Defect-related optoelectronic properties of CVD Diamond Films”, Surface and Bulk Defects in CVD Diamond Symposium, 13 febbraio 1997, Diepenbeeck (Belgio);
- S. Salvatori, M. C. Rossi, F. Galluzzi, F. Somma and R. M. Montereali, “Defect Centres and Continuous Distribution of States in Polycrystalline CVD-Diamond Films”, Congresso Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, 19-23 maggio 1997, Chia Laguna, Cagliari (Italia);
- I. Cincaglioni, L. Colace, G. Masini, M. C. Rossi, S. Salvatori, L. Schirone, F. Galluzzi, “Sensore Differenziale di immagini”, Terza Conferenza Nazionale Sensori e Microsistemi, Genova, 11-13 Febbraio 1998.
- S. Salvatori, M. C. Rossi, F. Galluzzi, “Characteristic times for minority carrier transport in diamond films” , Advanced – Topics Research School “Diamond Science and Technology”, La Jolla, California, 12-16 ottobre 1998.
doi:10.1117/12.663843, (2006).